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Saturday 19 June 2010

Weird vs Normal

The preconceived notion of how human beings are suppose to behave is what is termed as normal, in other words bullshit. It derived from a consensus reality relating to a collective group of humans or a tribal group in ancient society and exists today in another form. For example normal behaviour for a group of Zulu warriors was to go to war with a spear and shield as times changed Western society introduced the use of guns. Everybody in the Zulu tribe accepted the spear as a normal tool. You can apply this to everyday life in the 21st century as it is accepted as normal behaviour to watch T.V, to follow a sport, to eat fast food, to go to school etc.. If George for example wishes to not watch T.V to not follow a sport, most of his normal friends will begin to think he is weird. Well fuck that bullshit I am George and I do not constantly watch football but occasionally watch tennis and I barely watch TV so if you think I am weird it is because you have a closed mind.

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