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Saturday 19 June 2010

Weird vs Normal

The preconceived notion of how human beings are suppose to behave is what is termed as normal, in other words bullshit. It derived from a consensus reality relating to a collective group of humans or a tribal group in ancient society and exists today in another form. For example normal behaviour for a group of Zulu warriors was to go to war with a spear and shield as times changed Western society introduced the use of guns. Everybody in the Zulu tribe accepted the spear as a normal tool. You can apply this to everyday life in the 21st century as it is accepted as normal behaviour to watch T.V, to follow a sport, to eat fast food, to go to school etc.. If George for example wishes to not watch T.V to not follow a sport, most of his normal friends will begin to think he is weird. Well fuck that bullshit I am George and I do not constantly watch football but occasionally watch tennis and I barely watch TV so if you think I am weird it is because you have a closed mind.

Tuesday 8 June 2010


The creative force is not unlike that of what Morpheus described as the matrix in that it is all around us, 'you can see it when you go to church and when you pay your taxes.' How this works is that the entire make up of your perceived environment is the force in sight. So when you go to church, you see people who are made up of 'Energy, the capacity of a physical system to perform work.' The physical system being the body and inside this body is a soul, a particle of the force, which is an avenue for the creative force to express itself, thus the human body is merely a vehicle for god the force to express itself. What makes us individual is our personal experience which is really gods experience through a human being.

As Tchandela Mike said in his book titled Jah Ratafari 'We are ultimately, collectively, the sum total of that which has caused the entire structure of reality to be. We are all god (for those who wish to use the word) in the true sense.' In other words we are all particles of god which is the whole.

Yoda said, 'rejoice for those around you who transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not ' evidently Yoda is refering to the creative force (god) the sustainer of the universe.


Matrix one Film
Jah Rastafari, Visions of faith
Star wars return of the jedi

Tuesday 1 June 2010


A while back when I was completely idle I did not want to do anything, well to be honest I just gave up on the educational system. These are my reasons for dropping out of university, an instititution which I lost myself in becuase I thought it was the logical place to be, as I had passed a few A-levels. If I stepped back for a minute, I would of realised that I did not even need to go to university to study sociology, as from the short time I was there it was clear that the most part of the course you simply learn how to just analyse and critisise some old mans philosophy such as Karl Marx or Max Weber, who happen to have a point of view. Now in order to pass your sociology exams, you literally regurgitate the opinions of Karl Marx or Max Weber. So for example if your teacher asks you, What are Karl Marx's views on class?, you reply with, well according to Karl Marx society is broken up into two classes the ruling class and the working class. There you go you have scored four points for being able to sucessfully repeat the views of other sociologists.

In any piece of work you are set if you dare include your own opinion, the maximum marks you can possibly get is one. So it is clear that some academic courses in the western educational system such as sociology, are bullshit as they do not allow the individual to voice their own views on society, well at least on paper.

I beleive the teachers should allow the student to express and develop their own ideas by setting them tasks to carry out their own studies. When I studied A-level Sociology I did not evan have the opportunity to carry out any of my own studies, the entire course was revolved around analysing the views of other sociologists. While it is beneficial to study other sociologists, the entire course of study should not be revolved around the study of other people in the field.

And the teachers wonder why we get bored to death.