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Tuesday 24 August 2010

Libraries face closure

If you make any spelling mistakes? You may not be able to borrow a dictionary under the conservative government. Local libraries face cuts under stupid Conservative plans to save money.

It was mentioned on the news that supermarkets and local pubs may begin to lend books gradually replacing local libraries. Sounds just about right for the conservative as both the pub and supermarket are private businesses and the conservative love anything private.

It was mentioned on the news that supermarkets and local pubs may begin to lend books gradually replacing local libraries. Sounds just about right for the conservative as both the pub and supermarket are private businesses and the conservative love anything private.

A Radio presenter stated 'I am paying my tax, so where is the shortage of money.' EXACTLY, we are still paying taxes so the notion that we have suddenly become broke is ridiculous.

Why do poor people have to suffer as a result of mistakes made by rich people.

Wednesday 4 August 2010


The elongated bendy buses that travel threw the inner city ghettoes of London were created to nail people with extortionate penalty fines, passengers can enter a bendy bus without anyone checking if they have a ticket. Ironically the bendy Bus routes generally travel through some of the most deprived areas in London, for example Peckham, New cross, Deptford and Harlesdon, no accident there Johnny.Transport for London understand that Mr Joe Bloggs who lives in Peckham will take the risk and hitch a free ride and when he does the awaiting T.F.L inspectors and the British Transport Police keep a smile on there face when they seize the bus half way through Joe's journey and fix him with a £20 fine. If they give a fine to at least 10 people in a day that's £200 each day and £2000 a week considering each journey only costs £1.20p TFL are making a major profit at our expense, they could easily place a ticket inspector on each and every bus, but they do not because they want to catch people committing minor offences. What a waste of tax payers money, The British Transport Police could be out there catching major criminals but instead there out there stamping ticket evaders with fines.

Each individual is responsible for themselves and so they should pay there way, and an honest person would pay for a ticket whether or not there is a ticket inspector on board a bus.

In the ghetto people are poor and if they can save money in any way possible they will.